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Access Europe Newsletter – May 2024

EU Funding News & Updates No images? Click here          May 2024                     Welcome! Our May issue highlights our EU Elections campaign and our recent MEP hustings. Don’t forget to #UseYourVote on 7 June! As always, you will also find updates on:  EU funding deadlines Training and events EU news and policy. Visit the Access Europe website for more information and follow us on Twitter. You can also reach out to us at  with any questions. Thanks for joining us!  Access Europe is a three-year programme, led by The Wheel and funded by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, to provide a support and capacity-building programme for Irish civil society organisations to better access EU funds and engage in EU policy.    ​   Updates & Opportunities Encourage Your MEP Candidates to Sign The Wheel’s EU Elections Pledge  The European elections are fast approaching and we are asking all MEP candidates to pledge their support for local charities, community groups, and social enterprises with our Future is Community campaign.  By signing the Future is Community pledge, MEP candidates are using their voices to champion the work of our sector at EU level.  We are asking our members to contact MEP candidates in your constituency to encourage them to take the pledge. You can find out about your constituency and candidates using European Movement Ireland’s excellent EU Elections Information Hub. You can also show your support and help spread the word by sharing our The Future is Community Campaign and by using the hashtag #FutureIsCommunity in your social media posts.    Watch Our “Meet Your Candidates” EU Elections Hustings  The Wheel recently hosted two online EU Elections hustings where we presented our EU Elections pledge and asked candidates to respond to the asks outlined in the pledge. Featuring a wide range of candidates from various parties and constituencies, click on the links below to meet your candidates and make an informed vote on 7 June. 3 May 2024: Ciarán Cuffe MEP, Regina Doherty, Sinéad Gibney, Brian O’Boyle, and Aodhán O’Riordáin16 May 2024: Lisa Chambers, Paul Gavan, Niamh Hourigan, Billy Kelleher MEP, Grace O’Sullivan MEP, and Cian Prendiville     ​   ​   EU News & Policy   A group photo of 35 people posing next to Interreg North-West Europe and Ballymun Job Centre banners   Ballymun Job Centre Launches Terremplo Interreg North-West Europe Project  Ballymun Job Centre recently celebrated the launch event of their Terremplo project, a Small Scale Interreg North-West Europe project funded under the programme’s Inclusive Society priority. The event brought together European partners and associated national partners including representatives from the Department of Social Protection, Dublin City Council, City of Dublin Education and Training Board, Dublin Northwest Partnership, Louth Local Development, the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed, SEETEC Employment Services, the Central Remedial Clinic, and the Rediscovery Centre.  Terremplo is a cross-border initiative to create a joint strategy to connect and sustain collective innovation networks between the regions of Wallonia, Belgium; Picardie Maritime & Pays de la Loire, France; and Dublin, Ireland. By enhancing inter-agency collaboration of employment and training providers, the project aims to strengthen support to young people Not in Employment Education or Training (NEETs), and to develop entrepreneurial competencies among target groups. Visit the project website to learn more! ** If you would like your organisation’s EU-funded project featured in the Access Europe newsletter, please email us at or    MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Proposal Writing Workshop: Register Now!  The Irish Marie Skłodowska Curie Office will host an online proposal writing workshop for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call which is open to organisations from all sectors. The event is open to applicant researchers, and their supervisors, applying to the 2024 call with a host organisation based in Ireland. The workshop will be in two parts and will provide a section-by-section overview of the proposal template and guidance on what is required in each section. Part 1 of the workshop (4 June, 14:00) will cover the Excellence section with Part 2 (06 June, 11:00) covering the Impact and Implementation sections. In preparation for the workshop, attendees will receive additional information in advance of the workshop and will be requested to review the material before Part 1 of the workshop on 04 June. Register in advance for this meeting.       ​   Partner Profiles The Access Europe partner database connects Irish civil society organisations with organisations across Europe for partnership in EU projects. Every month we present three new profiles of Irish organisations. Visit the full profiles and get to know them! Are you an Irish organisation interested in creating your own profile? Register here!     "Waterford Area Partnership CLG" in blue letters   Visit profile   Waterford Area Partnership
  WAP has a long history of working with a broad range of partners from the statutory, voluntary and community sectors. Our target groups are those who are living in disadvantaged communities and those experiencing poverty or social exclusion. We deliver, coordinate and implement a broad range of programmes and projects in Waterford to support the needs of individuals and groups experiencing disadvantage or social exclusion. These include unemployed people who need supports to become job ready.     The logo shows the text "Conradh na Gaeilge" as well as the graphic of two figures reaching out to shake hands   Visit profile   Conradh na Gaeilge Conradh na Gaeilge is the democratic forum for the Irish-speaking community. The Conradh has over 200 branches and numerous individual members registered around the world, members that work hard to promote the use of Irish in their own areas. Conradh na Gaeilge’s main aim is to promote the use of Irish as the standard language in Ireland. Conradh na Gaeilge was established by Douglas Hyde, Eoin Mac Néill, and their colleagues on the 31st of July 1893.     A blue and yellow text reading 'K-FEST"   Visit profile   K-FEST K-FEST is a multi-disciplinary arts festival that places emphasis on the development and exhibition of emerging artists, musicians, actors, dancers, poets, storytellers, transforming Killorglin’s vacant retail outlets, deserted buildings, and even domestic homes into curated bespoke pop-up galleries and venues. K-FEST collaborates with arts colleges throughout Ireland and gives emerging artists across all disciplines a chance to show their work to the public.   Events       The graphic shows the text "Can vote, will vote" and people crossing a bridge EU Election Town Hall – Ireland Dublin Constituency – 30 May (in person, Dublin) European Movement Ireland European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office host an in-person event moderated by Flor MacCarthy. This event will see journalists and academics discuss topics such as the role of the European Elections, and the impact of the European Parliament in our daily lives. The format of the event will be a panel discussion followed by a Q&A session with audience members, including MEP candidates.
    Register here   The graphic shows the text "Horizon Europe" and multiple people depictung scientists MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 – Call info day – 29 May (online) European Research Executive Agency (REA) This is an information event for the MSCA-DN-2024 call for proposals which will open on 29 May 2024. The main objectives are to: Inform all potential applicants and stakeholders about the important novelties in MSCA-DN-2024 call for proposalsPromote the Industrial Doctorate and Joint Doctorate modes and present the main incentives   Register here The picture shows the audience of an in-person event looking at a PowerPoint presentation that shows a clock and the text "time for questions". Interreg Europe: Q&A session about the third call – 31 May (online)  Interreg Europe Joint Secretariat  Ask your questions on any aspect of Interreg Europe’s third call for project proposals. Ask about the application pack, the application process, budget considerations, or partnership. This Q&A session will be on questions from the participants. You can find out more about the third call on this page.   Register here   A picture of people standing around a desk talking, and the text "Erasmus+ KA210 Small-Scale Partnerships" Erasmus+ KA2 Small-Scale Partnerships Information Session – 27 June (online)

Léargas This session is aimed at organisations operating in the fields of Vocational Training, Schools, Adult Education and Youth who are interested in finding out more information about the funding Action Small-Scale Partnerships. These Partnership projects offer up to €60,000 in funding and with a shorter duration and simplified administrative requirements they provide an opportunity for those organisations who are less experienced or have not previously been involved in a European programme.   Register here     Current EU Funding Opportunities     ​   PEACEPLUS – Investment Area 4.1 – Collaborative Health & Social Care (Cross-Border Addiction Services) This call aims to ensure equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems.         Deadline: 23 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   PEACEPLUS – Investment Area 4.2 – Rural Regeneration and Social Inclusion Programme This call aims to create a more cohesive society through an increased provision of shared space and services in rural areas.         Deadline: 23 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children This calls aims to fund projects that will  fight violence, including gender-based violence and violence against children.         Deadline: 29 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Digital Europe – Girls and Women in Digital This call aims to contribute to the target of 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030.         Deadline: 29 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   ESF+ – Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the Societal Consequences of Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine within EU Countries This call addresses challenges faced by societies and public services in the EU Member States and supports the integration and social inclusion of people who have fled Ukraine.           Deadline: 30 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Interreg Atlantic Area: Second call for projects The aim of this call is to fund projects that enhance cooperation in the eligible areas of the AA Programme and develop tools to promote efficiency in implementing the Programme’s strategies and objectives.         Deadline: 31 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Culture Moves Europe: Second call for individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals This call aims to provide financial support to artists and cultural professionals who, in collaboration with an international partner, wish to carry out a mobility project between Creative Europe countries.         Deadline: 31 May 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Erasmus+ – Policy Experimentation – Digital Education This call aims to address different educational sectors or bridge educational sectors, and must support high quality and inclusive digital education.         Deadline: 4 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Erasmus+ – Policy Experimentation – Adult Education This call aims to support the implementation of the principles and objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.         Deadline: 4 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Erasmus+ – Policy Experimentation – Vocational Education and Training This call aims to support the implementation of the principles and objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the European Skills Agenda, and the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience.         Deadline: 4 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Erasmus+ – Policy Experimentation – Microcredentials This call aims to support reforms and policy impact on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability.         Deadline: 4 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – European integration and its defining achievements This call supports projects that promote to all generations the defining moments and reference points of European integration.         Deadline: 6 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU This call supports projects that find new ways of remembering and educating about these crimes to protect society against resurging threats of hatred.         Deadline: 6 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Democratic transition,(re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights This call supports projects that focus on the transition from authoritarian and totalitarian rule to democracy in different European countries.         Deadline: 6 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies This call support projects that explore the legacy of colonialism, inside and outside Europe, and its impact on contemporary multicultural European societies.         Deadline: 6 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   ESF+ – EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme This call aims to support employment by endorsing and promoting the implementation of tailor-made employment services that ensure quality working conditions.         Deadline: 6 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Interreg Europe – Third call for projects This call aims to gather policy-relevant organisations from different countries in Europe working together on a common regional development issue.         Deadline: 7 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   PEACEPLUS – Investment Area 1.3 – Building Positive Relations This call aims to promote positive relations characterised by respect, where cultural diversity is celebrated and people can live, learn and socialise together, free from prejudice, hate and intolerance.         Deadline: 13 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   EU4Health – Call for proposals for a Framework Partnership Agreement for operating grants to NGOs This call aims to support health NGOs to continue addressing current health challenges.         Deadline: 13 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – junior call This mobility action aims to support transfer of entrepreneurial skills and ideas with the aim to promote entrepreneurship.         Deadline: 27 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   URBACT – Call for Good Practices This call aims to identify cities that have implemented local practices that are impactful, participatory, integrated, relevant for the European Union and transferable to other European cities.         Deadline: 30 June 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   ESF+ – Social innovation call for proposals: Actions to develop impact performance intelligence services for the social impact investing market actors This call aims to promote the provision of enhanced data capabilities services, as well as impact management tools and practices to social purpose entities.         Deadline: 4 July 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   PEACEPLUS – Investment Area 5.2 – Marine and Coastal Management This call aims to support a cross-border approach to the protection of the marine and coastal environment from potentially damaging human activities.         Deadline: 10 July 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – NGO Operating grants Framework partnerships This action aims to strengthen the participation of civil society which are primarily active in the field of environment or climate action  in the EU policy dialogue.         Deadline: 5 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 This call aims to support researchers’ training, skills and career development and organisations involved in research activities.         Deadline: 11 September 2024   FULL INFO   ​   ​   LIFE – NGO SGA LIFE operating grants This call aims to strengthen the participation of civil society, which are primarily active in the field of environment or climate action, in the EU policy dialogue,         Deadline: 17 September 2024   FULL INFO   ​   ​   LIFE – Climate Change Adaptation This call aims to help to achieve the long-term vision of the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change.         Deadline: 17 September 2024   FULL INFO   ​   ​   LIFE – Climate Change Mitigation This call aims to help to contribute to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050.         Deadline: 17 September 2024   FULL INFO   ​   ​   LIFE – Climate Governance and Information This call aims at supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Union legislation and policy on climate change.         Deadline: 17 September 2024   FULL INFO   ​   ​   CERV – Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate speech and hate crime This call aims to enable civil society organisations to establish mechanisms of cooperation with public authorities to support the reporting and recording of episodes of hate crime and hate speech.         Deadline: 18 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space This call aims to promote rights and values by empowering civil society actors to work together at the local, regional and national levels.         Deadline: 18 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights This call aims to raise the fundamental rights knowledge of relevant actors.         Deadline: 18 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Strategic litigation This call aims to strengthen the knowledge and ability to effectively engage in litigation practices at national and European level.         Deadline: 18 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Supporting an enabling environment for the protection of whistleblowers This call aims to support and protect whistleblowers and build capacity of national authorities and legal practitioners to ensure adequate legal remedies to protect whistleblowers.         Deadline: 18 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   CERV – Town Twinning This call aims to promote exchanges between citizens of different countries, in particular through town twinning.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   New European Bauhaus – Setting up a New European Bauhaus hub for results and impact This call aims to establish a ‘New European Bauhaus hub for results and impacts’ to collect, centralise, manage, monitor and exploit the knowledge produced by the NEB.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   New European Bauhaus – New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities This call aims to study, refine and validate existing community engagement approaches, that allow residents, businesses, cultural organisations and local governments to co-design and co-create public spaces in neighbourhoods.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   New European Bauhaus – Exploiting the potential of secondary bio-based products This call aims to explore the potential of innovative bio-based products making use of materials from secondary sources for construction applications.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – BUILD UP Skills – Upskilling and reskilling interventions for building decarbonisation This call aims to support the upskilling of building professionals across Europe.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – Developing support mechanisms for Energy Communities This call aims to foster the collaboration between local/regional authorities and energy communities.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – Alleviating household energy poverty in Europe This call aims to  actively alleviate energy poverty.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – Clean Energy Transition – Standard Action Project This call aims to contribute to the implementation of the EU’s energy efficiency and renewable energy policy and legislation.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – Nature Governance This call aims to contribute to the protection of nature and biodiversity.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – Nature and Biodiversity This call aims to contribute to European Union objectives for the protection, maintenance and restoration of the Union’s natural capital in its marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   LIFE – Environment governance This call aims to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient/climate-resilient economy.         Deadline: 19 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   MSCA COFUND 2024 This call aims to co-fund doctoral and postdoctoral programmes.         Deadline: 26 September 2024   FULL INFO ​   ​   ESF+ – Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term Unemployment This call aims to co-fund doctoral and postdoctoral programmes.         Deadline: 30 September 2024 ​   ​   European Urban Initiative: Third Call for Proposals This call aims to fund projects to deliver tangible, real-life examples under the topics ‘energy transition’ and ‘technology in cities’.         Deadline: 14 October 2024   FULL INFO ​             Meet the Access Europe Team         Emma Murtagh Emma Murtagh
Senior European Programmes
Manager   Emily Nelson Emily Nelson
European Programmes
Officer   Christina Nuhr Christina Nuhr
European Programmes
Officer         See you next month…     Visit Access Europe                 Join Us   News & Events   Contact   Department of Foreign Affairs   The Wheel     Rotha, trading as The Wheel, is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Dublin, Ireland with registered office at 48 Fleet Street, Dublin 2 and registered company number 302282.

Rotha is also a charity (Charity Reg. No. 20040963).
  Directors of Rotha: Inez Bailey, Sarah Benson, Jonathan Buttner, Mary Doyle, Ellen Farrell, Caitriona Freir, Vincent Keenan, Cherif Labreche, Kerry McLaverty, Janis Morrissey, Felix O’Regan and Michael Smyth. Unsubscribe    

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