07th of July 2022
Cork County PPN is delighted to announce the setting up of our first ‘Thematic Group’.. these are groups that form around areas of interest (not necessarily specific policy areas, Boards or Committees). Examples of thematic groups may include groups with a particular interest in disability issues, environmental issues, childcare and so on. These thematic groups may come together to develop strategies for the PPN on areas of interest and feed in to relevant local and national policies.
Our first Thematic Group is being formed to look at the ‘Paying the Artist’ policy and recently published Implementation Plan (Paying The Artist | The Arts Council | An Chomhairle Ealaíon) on the fair and equitable remuneration and contracting of artists. Research studies indicate that the working and living conditions of artists remain below acceptable standards. If you are an artist or are a group that hires artists (service provider), you are welcome to bring your perspectives to our thematic group, learn how it may affect you and your community group and how service providers can develop the capacity to comply with emerging policy. If you are interested please contact us on ppn@corkcoco.ie or call 0214 28 5340.