Bernadette Connolly
Bernadette Connolly
Cork Environmental Forum
I have been a member of Cork Environmental Forum for over 20 years and have been the Coordinator for the past 10 years. I have been very active in the Public Participation Network since it was established and prior to that on the Community & Voluntary Forum. I have been the Environment College representative on the Environment SPC for a number of years and was co-opted to the Economic SPC. A major ongoing focus of CEFs work has been to influence and bring an environmental perspective to policy and I have engaged in numerous consultation processes. I have also been very proactive with engaging with the Planning Policy Unit in the formulation of County Development Plans and the Local Economic and Community Plan. I have a good understanding from both a high level perspective how important planning and strategic development is, and a knowledge of the impact of design practice and effect locally on nature and biodiversity loss. I have an interest in sustainable reuse of historic buildings and regeneration of country towns and villages in the context of tourism, housing and sustainable development. In the context of the challenges we now face I think I can make an important contribution to this SPC by ensuring a strong voice for climate and biodiversity proofing of strategies.