Jose Ospina
Jose Ospina
Social Inclusion
Carbery Housing Association
Jose Ospina has worked in social hosing UK and Colombia for over 30 years. His experience includes development of self-help project to use empty properties and co-operative self building. This work has been mainly with housing associations and co-operatives. Since 2001 he has been Secretary and is now Chairman of the West Cork based Approved Housing Body Carbery Housing Association, that is developing the Mortgages to Rent Initiative in the County. He has been Project Manager for several EU Projects under various programmes, Involving eco-design and energy efficiency retrofitting for Social housing, and digital manufacture for SMEs. He has also been Expert Evaluator for the European Commission on the energy, environmental and urban innovation funding programmes for 9 years, and has published one book (Housing Ourselves, Shipman 1987) and several related articles in academic journals and magazines.