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PRESS RELEASE | Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy announces successful projects for a €710,000 Traveller health initiative

Press Release: Friday 17 January 2025

Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy announces successful projects for a €710,000 Traveller health initiative

The Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Colm Burke, has today announced the five local projects that will share in a €710,000 Dormant Accounts fund to address the social determinants of Traveller health.

The funding supports the implementation of the National Traveller Health Action Plan, in particular goal 3 to address the social determinants of Traveller health through targeted and mainstream measures.

The five projects are aligned with the Slaintecare Healthy Communities programme, which is the mainstream government initiative to address the social determinants of health in disadvantaged areas. Proposals were submitted by Local Development Officers in each Local Authority.  The projects were chosen following an open and transparent selection process administered by the Genio Trust, in collaboration with Local Authorities, the Health Service Executive (HSE) and members of the Traveller community.

Minister Burke said:

“As Minister of State in the Department of Health, I am delighted that this new funding contributes to the implementation of our National Traveller Health Action Plan. It also complements the Slaintecare Healthy Communities programme which targets the most disadvantaged areas across the country.

“It is imperative that we address the social determinants of health for the Traveller community, if we are to reduce health inequalities and improve population health. We know that Travellers experience economic and social disadvantages that contribute to their poor health status. The projects being funded are targeted and culturally appropriate interventions, that address the specific factors that impact on Traveller health.

“The projects were developed in partnership between the Local Authorities and Traveller organisations. I’m very encouraged by the quality and creativity of proposals received for this funding, and I look forward to hearing the impact that they will make to the health of Travellers.”

National Progamme Manager at Genio Tríona O’Connor said:

“It is very evident from the quality of the applications, that meaningful consultations took place between the Local Authorities, Traveller organisations and the HSE in Slaintecare Healthy Community areas. We welcome the collaborative approach from Local Authorities, Travellers, the Department of Health and the HSE and look forward to working together over the next two years.”

The five Local Authority Areas that will each receive up to €142,000 funding over two years are:

Bray, Co. Wicklow: Employment of a part-time Housing Accommodation Officer with Bray Traveller Community Development Group and Traveller families to improve their living conditions, facilitate access to mental health services and build partnerships with local organisations. The project aims to develop trust between Travellers and local services and support increased integration into the community.

Cork City: Recruitment of a Traveller-specific Primary School Support Worker to increase school engagement in Traveller students; delivery of the “Transition to School” initiative to help Traveller children to transition into primary education; and the delivery of a parenting programme that addresses issues including suicidal ideation among Traveller parents.

Athy, Co. Kildare: Recruitment of a dedicated Traveller Community Worker with Kildare Traveller Action to deliver programmes based on Traveller men’s interests, including the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme. The funding will also support the establishment of an after-school programme for Travellers attending primary school and a support hub for secondary school students.

Waterford City: Delivery of an independent Place Standard Framework assessment of each of the five halting sites in Waterford City, the establishment of a Traveller Voice Forum to ensure the views and concerns of the Traveller community are expressed, and the delivery of behaviour change programmes on topics including smoking, substance misuse and healthy eating.

Westmeath: Providing tailored culturally aware education and training programmes to increase skills, productivity and confidence and support improved access to employment. The programmes will be delivered with Westmeath Community Development and Youth Work Ireland Midlands.

Newsletter 31/01/2025

That time of the week again ! In this week’s edition you will find the wonderful Mr. Gavin Falk’s first Friday Fact , hopefully he’ll provide us with many more …