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The Cork County PPN are calling on all existing PPN groups to re-register with us. This is to ensure all our groups are still active and wish to be engaged with us as well as being GDPR compliant. A re-registration form has been sent to all groups via email. This is the opportunity to supply us with any new contact information, or indeed, if your group is no longer in existence or does not wish to be part of the PPN network, you can choose the opt out option. We will update, amend or remove accordingly. This re-registration process is very important and we urge all members to submit it to us as soon as possible to keep our records correct.  We look forward to hearing from you and working with all member groups as we continue to inform, strengthen and empowers community group. If you have not received your re-registration form, please email .

Newsletter 07/03/2025

Welcome to another Cork County PPN newsletter ! This week you will find events for Seachtain na Gaeilge from Bantry Development Group , Knocknagree Fair Field Tidy Towns and Carrigtwohill …