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Human Rights and Equality Grants 2024-25 Announced

€350,000 awarded to projects to advance Economic Equality, promote Awareness of Rights and Access to Justice and promote Climate Justice, Environmental Justice and a Just Transition

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has today announced the 24 organisations to be awarded a total of €350,000 in funding for projects under its Human Rights and Equality Grants Scheme 2024-25.

The 2024-25 Grants Scheme’s themes are informed by the Commission’s strategic priorities set out in its Strategy Statement 2022-24. This year the Grants Scheme supported projects under the following strands:

  • Strand A: Advancing Economic Equality
  • Strand B: Promoting Awareness of Rights and Access to Justice
  • Strand C: Promoting Climate Justice, Environmental Justice and a Justice Transition

Projects were awarded for general grants up to €20,000 and for smaller grants up to €6,000. The scheme was open to civil society organisations working to promote human rights and equality, trade unions, rights-holder groups, representing communities of interest protected under the nine equality grounds and those addressing poverty and social exclusion including people seeking international protection and migrant communities.

We look forward to the development of these projects and we’re confident the outcomes will inform human rights and equality policy development and advocacy across Ireland.

Deirdre Malone, the Director of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission said:

“The Human Rights and Equality Grant Scheme is hugely important to the work we do in IHREC. It allows civil society and local groups, who are at the coalface of their communities, to tackle the human rights and equality issues that affect them most. The insights and evidence they gather also frequently informs our own work.

“We all have an equal right to justice, to economic equality and to a just transition. We look forward to seeing the outcomes of supporting these projects, with the shared aim of creating an equal, safer and more inclusive society for all of us.”

The full list of organisations receiving the Human Rights and Equality Grants Scheme 2024-25 can be viewed at :

Newsletter 07/03/2025

Welcome to another Cork County PPN newsletter ! This week you will find events for Seachtain na Gaeilge from Bantry Development Group , Knocknagree Fair Field Tidy Towns and Carrigtwohill …