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The HeadStart Fund 2023-2026

Rethink Ireland’s HeadStart Fund. This €3,000,000 Fund aims to support not-for-profit organisations that have an innovative approach to effecting positive mental health for young people aged 15-24, with a proven track record of impact and a vision to scale.

We are following up on that message to let you know applications for the fund close this Friday at 1pm. If you have already submitted an application you can ignore this message.

Why apply?

HeadStart awardees will receive:

  1. A cash grant of up to a maximum of €69,330 per annum across 3 years 
  2. A business supports package
  3. A place on Rethink Ireland’s capacity building Programme
  4. Project performance management

Who can apply?

We invite applications from not-for-profit organisations that work towards enhancing positive outcomes in mental health for their beneficiaries (young people aged 15-24) including but not limited to the areas of:

  • early intervention
  • well-being and resilience
  • confidence building
  • combatting depression/social anxiety/social isolation/loneliness/stress
  • community-wide approaches and tailored action for specific groups that have worse mental health outcomes including, but not limited to young people, women, ethnic minorities, and those facing socio-economic disadvantage within the target age range.

Please see our website for more information on who is eligible to apply and how to submit your online application

Newsletter 31/01/2025

That time of the week again ! In this week’s edition you will find the wonderful Mr. Gavin Falk’s first Friday Fact , hopefully he’ll provide us with many more …