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Training Information

The Cork County PPN are delighted to announce three free training sessions for all PPN groups between October and December 2021. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills around Fundraising, Social Media and GDPR.  If you or members of your group are interested in participating in any of the below courses, please to book your place. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

Cork County PPN in partnership with Kevin Delaney from Academy Street Work Shop is running a free training course on Introduction to Fundraising. The training will take place online on Tuesday 21st of October between 7.00pm and 9.30pm. Please to book your place. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. 

Cork County PPN in partnership with Karen Twomey from Communication Hub is running a free training course on Social Media Essentials for Community Groups. The training will take place online on Tuesday 2nd of November between 7.00pm and 8.00pm. Please to book your place. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. 

Cork County PPN in partnership with Caroline Egan from Cramden Tech is running a free training course on Data Protection Fundamentals for Community Groups. The training will take place online on Thursday 2nd of December between 7.00pm and 9.00pm. Please to book your place. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. 

Newsletter 07/03/2025

Welcome to another Cork County PPN newsletter ! This week you will find events for Seachtain na Gaeilge from Bantry Development Group , Knocknagree Fair Field Tidy Towns and Carrigtwohill …