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Training Workshop for Community and Youth Groups in West Cork

Recognising Sexual Violence

This training for staff, volunteers and Board members of community, youth and voluntary organisations in West Cork, aims to build knowledge and understanding of sexual violence, its root causes and impacts. This workshop will also look at the difficulties and barriers that people face in disclosing and seeking supports.

Dates: In order to include as many participants as possible we have organised for the training to be delivered twice – on the 24th and 25th of May 2023.

You will be asked to select the date of your preference when you register.

Venue: To be confirmed

Places per group: The maximum number of participants for each training is 15. For this reason we are limiting places to 2 people per organisation/group for the moment. But please do contact Sandra @ if you wish for further people from your organisation/group to attend and we will place them on a waiting list.

Facilitator: Dr. Michelle Walsh, Training and Development Manager with Rape Crisis Midwest.

To register:

This training is organised by the West Cork Training Links Network Committee:

CoAction; Dunmanway Family Resource Centre; Beara West Family Resource Centre; Beara Peninsula Youth Development Project, Foróige; West Cork Counselling & Support Services; West Cork Development Partnership; West Cork Travellers Centre & West Cork Women Against Violence

Funded by The Wheels Training Links Programme

Newsletter 31/01/2025

That time of the week again ! In this week’s edition you will find the wonderful Mr. Gavin Falk’s first Friday Fact , hopefully he’ll provide us with many more …